Dallas Fashion Consultant, Julie Bartlett of Colour IQ solves the packing panic.
Going somewhere? Overnights are easy – toss a few items into a carry-on and make the flight, just don’t overlook the impact of looking and feeling fabulous even while running through the airport. Here are my top five rules for packing:
- If your trip is an business overnight, don’t bring clothes you will not need, such as a bathing suit or a pair of cutoffs. On the other hand, if you’re going on a road trip with your family, your children will wonder why you are wearing a dress suit on the beach.
- Bring articles that can be mixed and matched. For example, a simple white maxi dress, dressed down, and paired with a sun hat and flip-flops is instant beachwear. The same dress with a pair of stylish earrings, strappy heeled sandals, small evening bag and a shoulder wrap and you are dressed up for the Captain’s dinner that same night.
- Keep pairs of shoes down to about two, minus the trainers you wore on the plane. Take into consideration what you will be doing on your trip. If you’re doing a marathon tour of the museums in Washington DC, you won’t want to wear 4-inch heels.
2. Minimize wrinkles

- Try to lay clothes out in one layer without folding the item and layer old tissue paper above and below it.
- When you roll items, layer them by threes with something cotton on the inside layer.
3. Maximize space by using a few techniques:
- Roll your socks and stuff them in a hat to retain the shape, fold your jeans and pants in half (as if on a hanger) and pack at the bottom of the bag, fill travel size toiletry containers halfway, tuck belts in shoes, stand up heels to tuck small items (jewelry pouches or small makeup bags) under the arch, lay flat shoes as you would find them at the store, face-to-face.
4. Wait to pack your toiletries.
You might need it in the morning
- Standing a shampoo bottle upside-down and crossways in your bag is an accident waiting to drench your clothes. Double Zip-Lock© spill-prone, partly empty containers inside of your toiletry bag to prevent leaks as air pressure on the flight changes. When packing, place the toiletry carrier in the very center of your bag and cushion with outerwear (easier to clean if something leaks despite precautions).
- Hot irons (flat & curling) should be wrapped in a hand towel or holder.
5. Hide your valuables.
- Earrings, rings, necklaces and technology that you don’t intend to use in transit – laptops, iPods, digital
eReaders, cameras- should be stored below three layers of folded clothes, rolled between two socks, etc.
- Insure, wrap, stuff, cover, and seal anything that might break in your bag if it gets mishandled.
As your Dallas Fashion Consultant, it is my mission to help my clients always look fabulous without being a slave to the whimsical ways of fashion trends. I am passionately committed to making sure my clients always look their very best in order to help them achieve their personal and business goals. If you have any questions or are interested in a personal consultation, please give me a call at 214-223-2200.